I often find myself going to my phone for answers or to websites to learn something new. It is easy for me to scroll through social media to see the latest news or posts.
News is out seconds after the event occurred. It is essential to make sure content on the web and social media is timely to the situation before it becomes outdated.
As the Web Editor-in-Chief this year, I want to make sure the content on the website is current. My goal for the website is it to be a place to showcase the timely happenings of our school.
Each month, the staff brainstorms photo and story ideas for the website. The Print Editor-in-Chiefs, and I go through each pitch before the staff decides which stories they want to publish on the website for that month.
I feel that the content on the website allows for more creativity within each staffer. Personally, my favorite work that I have posted on the website is the multimedia packages.
Our website is a SNO website. After meeting with a SNO worker at the Fall JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in St. Louis, I learned about ways our site more visually appealing to the eyes. As a result, we eliminated white space on the sides of the screen, made the background behind each section strictly white and added more buttons in the header to fill the length.

Our journalism website is a School Newspapers Online (SNO) site. To distinguish a SNO site, a staff can complete SNO badges, in which there are six.
At the end of October of 2022, we received the Best of SNO badge, which was our first badge we have ever received. To achieve this, stories on a website must stand out from journalism websites. At the time, there were almost 3,500 submissions. Only 388 articles were chosen and two of them were ours.
From Oct. 21 to Nov. 17, the staff updated our website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook account each weekday with the goal of achieving the Audience Engagement badge. To receive this badge, the staff most post daily for a month and attract 5,000 page views. With the help of each reader, we completed this badge.
Our third badge, Site Excellence, was obtained on Jan. 11. To fulfill this, our homepage of our website must be customized beyond the preset SNO design. Every element should have a purpose as well as a distinguished design draft, that is completely different from the current homepage.
Next, my goal is to focus on the Story Page Excellence badge. Eight stories, written this year, must fill different story templates.
Achieving three SNO badges as a staff, all in the same school year, is definitely something I am proud of. Organization, clear communication and a schedule are key to accomplishing these.
At the end of year, the top five web stories, based on the amount of views are revealed. At the end of 2022, the top second and third story were mine. Click below to read them.
@bishopmiegepress on Instagram
Student profiles, awards, athletic updates and pictures from events are just a few of the topics that are posted on our Instagram account. It is our social media account with the most followers, many of them being students.

Design by Mary-Kathryn Wert

Design by Delaney Johnson

Design by Delaney Johnson
These three social media posts were designed by other editors, but I wrote the story that corresponded to it. My story was posted on the website at the same time this post was uploaded on Instagram. The link to my story was then posted on the Instagram story.
@b_miege_Press on Twitter
Our twitter account corresponds with our website. This platform is used to tweet out the latest stories posted on the web, as well as recognized any awards received and news at our school.

I posted these on our Twitter account to increase the amount of viewers to our website.
@BM_Press on Facebook
This school year, the social media editor created a Facebook account for our publications. Together, we both felt that we could manage this account. This platform is primarily viewed by parents and faculty members. Check out some of our posts below.