My parents always taught me the importance of diversity. Bishop Miege High School is a diverse school with students and faculty with many different cultural backgrounds. Attending a primarily white, Catholic school from kindergarten to eighth grade, I now recognize and appreciate diversity much more. In my high school, I see how diversity is appreciated. Therefore, it is essential that it be carried out in The Miegian.
Our Coverage
I see the importance of including as many students in our publications as possible. It can be easy to interview and cover a story on my best friend, the outgoing student council member or the well known basketball player, but there is more people that comprise the school. Yes, these people are important, but I don't want to take the easy way out; I want to find the unique talent or hobby that a student has because they deserve recognition.
Master List Distinctions

As a staff, it is important to us for students to be referred to as their preferred name, if it is different than their given name. As a result, an email is sent to all students at the beginning of the school year for students to notify us if they go by a different name. If, so their name change is indicated on our master list by using red font.
After each print publication of The Miegian, the staff goes through each story, caption, and photo and denotes which students were covered. They then highlight their name in the corresponding color.
A green highlight means they have been used once.
A yellow highlight means they have been used twice.
An orange highlight means they have been used three times.
A red highlight means they have been used at least four times and to go find a different student.
The goal is to have a majority of the names highlighted green, so we now we showcased a variety of individuals at our school.
For students' privacy, the names are blurred in the image above.
Stag Thoughts

Stag Thoughts are included in the print issue of each opinion section of the Miegian. As a staff, we decided on one question that we will interview students about. Even though only four students are portrayed on the page, we interview more than that to ensure diversity. We want to make sure each grade is represented, as well as students from different ethnic backgrounds.