Marketing and Audience engagement
Prior to this school year, I had not thought much about audience engagement, but now I see how important it is to ensure that what is published is in the best interest to our audience. Every social media platform has a purpose and is used strategically.
As the Web Editor-in-Chief, I work diligently with the Social Media Editor to make sure that we post frequently on all platforms.
Throughout my time on staff, I have seen how the more we advertise our newest publication, the more people know about it leading to better engagement.

In the past, our staff has hand-counted newspapers for each class depending on the number of students in each class that hour we delivered.
For our most recent print edition, we tried a new method of distribution by giving them to students as they entered into school. This allowed students to see the faces of the staff.
Together, was pleased with this method of distribution and plan on doing it again for the next print issue.
After trying the new method of delivery, we had more copies of the Miegian than normal, so we created a post on Instagram to remind students where they can pick up their copy of the Miegian. This specific post reached 518 accounts.
New Staff Members

During the month of January, editors of the newspaper and yearbook staff set up three times for information meetings about joining a publication next school year.
With this outreach, both publications have a greater number of members than in the past year.
Us seniors are leaving our legacy.
This Instagram post was created by the Social Media Editor of The Miegian. Each editor made sure to share it on their personal Instagram acount story to help spread the word.
Audience Engagement
One of the criteria for receiving the SNO Audience Engagement Badge is attracting 5,000 page views. When I first saw this number, it seemed daunting. Prior to working on this badge, I never would have imagined we would have received that many views, but with publicity and daily posts to our website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook it was achieved.
Also, at the beginning of the year, I started recording the top three stories on our website at the end of each month. This allows me to compare which type of stories attract the most readers and the total number of views compared to other months.
The Web

These analytics are from Oct. 21, 2022 to Nov. 17, 2022. During this period was when the staff completed the Audience Engagement Badge. As seen, the total number of page views we received was 5,142. At the beginning of each week, the editors and I planned out the stories and posts that would be uploaded to the website and social media accounts each day. To ensure that the badge was met, we also posted on the weekends for more clicks.

These analytics are from Oct. 21, 2021 to Nov. 17, 2021. During this time period, only 1,129 page views were received. This shows the increase in our focus on keeping the web up-to-date.
Our website was created in 2021.

Screenshotted on Jan. 17, is the 90 day overview with an increase 12% increase in the amount of followers.
This Instagram account was created in August of 2019. Below is the number of followers we have gained each year since then.
August 2019: 0 followers
August 2020: 200 followers
August 2021: 390 followers
August 2022: 611 followers

These Twitter analytics are from October and November, when we were working on the SNO Audience Engagement badge. While posting daily, our account reached over 11,000 impressions by the end of November.
This account was started in August of 2019. Below is the number of followers we have gained each year since then.
August 2019: 0 followers
August 2020: 192 followers
August 2021: 238 followers
August 2022: 264 followers

Screenshotted on Jan. 17, is the seven day data from our account. This week, our account had an increase in both impressions and engagement. This school year, the social media editor created this account to engage more viewers. Parents of students and faculty of the school primarily follow this account.